Post Page
The Post detail page displays a post and comments from a community Feed. Posts are sourced from messages in Slack and are updated automatically when the original message changes.
Post detail pages are found at the URL path /x/<feed-slug>/<post-id>/<post-slug>
Users will be redirected to this canonical URL if the post slug in the URL is omitted or incorrect.
The Post detail page generally includes:
- An auto-generated title
- The author
- The posted date (respects the original Slack message send date)
- A permalink back to the original Slack message
- Emoji reactions from the original Slack message
- All synced comments on the post, with the above info on each comment
Display Settings
The post detail display type is determined by the "Post Detail Display" setting in the admin Feed settings.
The Discussion display is best suited for chats, FAQs, and traditional forum posts.
The Blog display is best suited for blog posts, where the cover image should take front and center. The cover image is the first image file attachment on the associated Slack message, if any, and is not included in the attachments section if there are additional files.
Related Posts
Related posts are displayed in a section at the bottom of the page.
Related posts is currently in beta. Please reach out to Support if you are interested in this feature.
Click the Share
button to bring up the Share modal.
Share the current Feed to your favorite socials, and let the world know about this awesome post! 😎
Embed (Beta)
Click the Embed
tab within the Share modal to get the iframe code you can put in another website and embed the Tightknit post. The Embed Preview shows an example of what the iframe would look like with the provided parameters.