Getting Started
Our philosophy is to meet users where they are. That includes you, the Slack community admin! No, you don't have to leave Slack and learn a new platform in order to work with Tightknit. You can manage your community entirely from within Slack!
To get started, click on Tightknit under the Apps section in the Slack sidebar, or search "Tightknit" in the search bar.
App Home
Welcome to the Tightknit app Home! This is where you can manage and configure everything related to your Tightknit community. The app home is divided into sections called "modules". Each module has different features and settings.
Don't Get Lost!
Notice that there are three tabs at the top of this screen: Home, Messages,
and About. If you ever need to return to these settings, click on the Tightknit
app and make sure you've selected the Home tab.
Quick actions
Once you're a Tightknit power user 💪, check out the Quick Actions menu at the top of App Home. This menu lets you get to important actions faster (and it is searchable)!
Module Onboarding
When an admin user opens Tightknit app home for the first time, they will see Get Started
buttons under each module. Click this button to launch an informational onboarding journey for each module. Once complete, the standard settings will be displayed.
To access the learning materials again, click the 🛟 Need Help?
button at the top of App Home and select the Onboarding Guides.