Navigation Items [Beta]
Within the Navigation Items settings modal, you can configure the up to 3 custom navigation items that will appear in the navigation sidebar of the companion site. Each item can either be an external link or an internal link to an embedded page.
Each navigation item configuration must be input on a separate line. For example:
Terms of Service | | terms-of-service
Knowledge Base |
Download the App |
Navigation Item Types
External Link
An external link is a simple URL that will be opened in a new tab when the navigation item is clicked. The navigation item configuration must follow the format: Name | URL
For example, the following configuration will create a navigation item with the label "Knowledge Base" that will open the URL " (opens in a new tab)" in a new tab when clicked:
Knowledge Base |
Internal Link (Embedded Page)
An internal link points to an embedded page within the companion site. The navigation item configuration must follow the format: Name | URL | slug
. When an internal link is configured, the the embedded page is added to the companion site at the URL: https://<your-site>/p/<slug>
For example, the following configuration will create a navigation item with the label "Terms of Service" that will open the embedded page at the URL: https://<your-site>/p/terms-of-service
. This page will contain an embedded iframe with the contents of the URL
Terms of Service | | terms-of-service
Embedded pages are useful for displaying content from external sources within your companion site. For example, you can embed your community's calendar or other content from external sources. For best practices, make sure the embedded URL is the same domain as the companion site (see Site Details).