Tightknit is an incredibly powerful tool for engaging your community with new events. With Tightknit, you can:

  • πŸ“ Create, edit, and delete events directly from Slack
  • 🎁 Share events with your community across multiple channels
  • 🎫 Enable members to RSVP to events directly from Slack
  • πŸ† Allow champions to create events with an integrated approval flow
  • ⚑ Automatically update Slack event announcements across all channels
  • πŸ“… Remind members of upcoming events
  • βͺ Recaps and recordings

Accessing Events

Use the global shortcut /events to open to the Events modal. The shortcut option will appear as you type /events into the search bar or any conversation message.

Alternatively, users can access the modal by clicking the Events button in the Tightknit app home under the Events module.

For non-admin users, the Events List modal displays all events published to any channel in the workspace.

Events List Panel

To see your community’s upcoming events within a Slack workspace, any user in the workspace may use the global shortcut to show events to all users within a workspace. The easiest way to access this shortcut is to type /events in any message input box. This will display a list of all public events that are currently scheduled.


From this panel, members can select a view to filter the listed events depending on their permissions.

FilterStandard UserEvents ChampionAdmin
UpcomingPublic upcoming eventsPublic upcoming events + unlisted events owned by the userAll upcoming events (public and unlisted)
PastPublic past eventsPublic past events + unlisted events owned by the userAll past events (public and unlisted)
My Draftsβ€”Events owned by the user in draft stateEvents owned by the user in draft state
Needs Approvalβ€”Events owned by the user awaiting admin approvalAll events awaiting admin approval


From the panel, admin users and designated events champion users can:

  • Create new event drafts
  • Publish events, or request admin approval for events
  • Edit and delete events

Events Champions may only edit an event if they are the owner or were marked as the Host of the event.