A Permission Set is a collection of permissions and privileges that can be granted to a user (coming soon) or a Group.

A user’s permissions are calculated as the superset of all Permission Sets assigned to them or assigned to Groups that they are a member of. For example, to have event-related permissions, a user must be a member of at least one Group with an assigned Permission Set containing event permissions.

How to Access

Admins can access Permission Sets settings by clicking the Permission Sets button under the Community module.

From the Permission Sets List panel, admins are able to view, manage, and create Permission Sets.

Create a Permission Set

To create a new Permission Set, click the Create Permission Set button. Within the Permission Set creation modal, you can configure the following:

  • Name - the name associated with your Permission Set
  • Permissions - list of permissions enabled for this set
    • Events Champion - the user has the ability to draft new events, submit them for admin approval, edit their own events, and delete their own events. They will also be able to access Events from the app home.
    • Give Badges - the user has the ability to give Badges to members of the Community.

More permissions coming soon!