Shortcuts & Commands
Slash Commands

Slash Commands

Use Tightknit's slash commands (opens in a new tab) to take actions related to your community in Slack. For example, the Channel Inviter is a powerful productivity tool that allows you to invite large numbers of users to new Slack channels

Channel Inviter command

How to Access Slash Commands in Slack

As the name suggests, slash commands can be accessed simply by typing slash / in the chat, followed by the name of the command and the command inputs (if applicable).

The channel in which you type the command is often relevant to the action, so take note of where you're typing!

Tightknit Commands

CommandInputsDescriptionWho can use it?
/invite-allLaunches the Channel Inviter wizard to invite all members in the entire Slack workspace to the current channel.
You will be asked for confirmation before the bulk invites are sent.
Admins only
/invite-channel(optional) the Slack channel, e.g. #generalLaunches the Channel Inviter wizard to invite all members of another Slack channel to the current channel.
You will be asked for confirmation before the bulk invites are sent.
Admins only