


Gamification is currently part of our pilot program. If you would like to participate, please contact Support.


Admin users can manage their Badges and Badge settings under the Gamification section in the Tighktnit app home.

Create a New Badge

To create a new Badge, click the Badges button in the Gamification module to access the Manage Badges panel. This panel contains all Badges available in the community.

Manage Badges Modal

Click Create Badge button to access the Badge creation modal, where you can configure the following:

  • Name - the name of the Badge
  • Badge Image - the image of the Badge
  • Badge Description - the description of the Badge, such as its purpose and under which conditions it is awarded to a user
  • Default Award Message - the default message included when the Badge is sent to a user; this can be overridden when the user is sending the Badge
  • Badge Frame (Image) - the Badge frame overlay is an image that members can use to generate a framed profile photo once they have earned the Badge. Recommended format for Badge frame images is 512 x 512 px PNG files. The frame visual should be a square border with a transparent center. We recommend making all your Badge frames the same size and shape so that users can easily generate new frames repeatedly on top of their profile photos. Manage Badges Modal

Create Badge Modal

For information on associating a Badge with Group membership, see Groups.

Send a Badge

To give a Badge to a member of the community, you can click the Give Badge button under the Gamification section in the app home. Alternatively, you can find the Badge in the Manage Badges panel, click the menu button •••, and select the Give badge option.

Give Badge Option

From here you will be able to select the user(s) receiving the Badge and the message sent with the award.

Give Badge Modal

Send a Test Badge

Want to test out what it's like to receieve a Badge yourself? No problem! In the Manage Badges panel, click the menu button •••, and select the Send test badge to myself option.

Send Test Badge To Myself Option

Earned Badges

Viewing My Badges

Use the global shortcut /badges to open to the My Badges modal. The shortcut option will appear as you type /badges into the search bar or any conversation message.

Badges Shortcut

Alternatively, non-admin users can view the Badges they have earned under the My Badges section in the Tightknit app home.

My Badges Module

Users can access the actions related to any of their previously earned badges, including generating a framed profile photo.

Receiving a Badge

When a user receives a Badge, they get a private notification message containing the user that sent the Badge (unless sent anonymously), the award message, the Badge image, and the description.

Recipient of a badge

Generate a Framed Profile Photo

Badge recipients will have the option to generate a profile photo for any earned Badges that are configured with a frame image. When a user clicks the Generate Profile Photo, we generate a framed profile photo using their current photo overlaid with the Badge frame image.

Badge Framed Profile Photo

We also generate a Badge award image that can be shared in a social media announcement.

Badge Award social media image

Fixing Duplicate Badge Frame Profile Photos

We recommend making sure you have a fresh profile photo before generating a new one with a Badge frame. Otherwise, you could overlay one Badge-framed photo on top of another in a way that doesn't look very good! Don't worry - it's easy to fix.

Follow this guide (opens in a new tab) to edit your Profile and upload a new profile photo using your original photo with no frame. Then try again!